Tonight's first hour guest on Truth Jihad Radio: 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio ... to be archived for free listening any time here ...
...is Jerry Mazza of Online Journal. Jerry is a poet and journalist from New York City who eloquently sums up the state of the 9/11 truth movement in "As 9/11's 8th Anniversary Approaches."
And: "9/11/09 - Gone with the Rain" .
You may also remember his critique of Joel Hirschhorn's "9/11 Mind Swell".
Jerry says we can talk about "Saturday's events at St. Marx (i.e. the We Demand Transparency conference) and your discussion in particular along with Steve Alten's predictable response and anything else you like." (My friend and 9/11 truth colleague Steve Alten responded to my NYC presentation with a "dogfight" interview last Tuesday...it reminded me of my bout with Sean Hannity, except it went on for a whole hour! )
My second hour guest is (formerly) mainstream journalist Russ Baker, whose book Family of Secrets is a tour de force of careful, thorough, honest reporting...it takes up where Webster Tarpley's George HW Bush: The Unauthorized Biography left off back in 1990, exposing the almost unimaginable yet mostly invisible corruption of the Bush criminal-CIA dynasty, including extensive evidence implicating George H.W. Bush in the JFK assassination. This is a very important book, in the same league as James Douglass's JFK and the Unspeakable, for anyone who wants to understand the last five decades of US history.
Oh yes...Russ, like Jerry and I, was at the We Demand Transparency conference, 9/11/09 - 9/13/09.
Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, http://www.americanfreedomradio.com Call-in number: 512-879-3805