Tuesday, October 19th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on http://NoLiesRadio.org, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast...
Mickey Huff is lead editor of Censored 2011: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2009-2010. This is the best Censored yet, featuring a terrific selection of critically important stories that the mainstream media is ignoring, underplaying or distorting...including Increased Tensions with Unresolved 9/11 Issues, David Ray Griffin's Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight, and Lance deHaven-Smith's Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government.
Mickey Huff is associate professor of history at Diablo Valley College. He is Director of Project Censored (http://projectcensored.org) –which was the recipient of the 2008 PEN Oakland National Literary Censorship Award) and is co-editor of Censored 2010 with Peter Phillips and lead editor of Censored 2011. Mickey is an executive committee member of the Media Freedom Foundation and works with Media Freedom International as the Project Censored University Affiliates Coordinator. He is also a former adjunct lecturer in sociology at Sonoma State University, and the previous co-director of the alternative public opinion research agency Retropoll, in Berkeley, CA (http://retropoll.org).