So Hitler was bad news. But are today's American leaders - especially the neocons - that much better? I made national news a few years ago by saying that comparing
Bush to Hitler was "
unfair to Hitler, who had at least 30 IQ points on Bush." I see no reason to revise that judgment. Going over the list of Hitler's positives and negatives, it looks to me like Bush/Cheney and the neocons, and to a lesser extent their Democratic and Republican enablers including the current administration, have all of Hitler's negatives and few of the positives. The Bush-Cheney reich, which continues under Obama:
*Destroyed America's economy; *Subjugated the nation even further to the international bankers; *Waged de facto racist war against poor people, who are disproportionately people of color; *Launched a war for imperial-colonial world domination far beyond Hitler's wildest fantasies--a war likely to end in the deaths of hundreds of millions; *Launched the worst wave of bigotry in world history--the global phenomenon of Islamophobia--through a series of false-flag attacks of which 9/11 was the flagship; *Presided over an Orwellian suppression of free thought.