Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 2/9/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
Neither of these guests is yet listed at PatriotsQuestion911. Will that change after today's broadcast? Tune in and find out!
First hou
r: Novelist Hal Fleming has been a senior official with the State Department, the Peace Corps, UNICEF, and the US Mission to the United Nations. He is the author of The Brides' Fair, a well-realized thriller set in Morocco juxtaposing members of the US diplomatic community with Middle Atlas Berbers and the obligatory terrorists - but with a false-flag twist; and Once Upon a Storm, a mystery whose backdrop is the 1960s civil rights movement.
Second hour: Dr. Mohammad Malkawi is the author of Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam, the best introduction to the topic of Islam and economics that I have yet read. (Not being an expert, I obviously have not read them all - but in any case, this one is good!) Fellow fans of Umar Vadillo will profit from t
his book - as will anyone curious about why Islamic financial markets have outperformed non-Islamic ones since the 2008 downturn. Dr. Malkawi, whose Ph.D is in computer engineering, has taught at numerous universities in the US and Jordan, and is the author of many works including The Islamic View of Terrorism, published just two months after 9/11.Labels: 9/11, civil rights era, economics, false-flag, hal fleming, Islam, islamic economics, mohammad malkawi, morocco, novels, patriotsquestion911, terrorism, umar vadillo