George Mapp and Dmitri Khalezov in Bangkok, Feb. 1, 2011
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 2/21/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
First hour: Globetrotting journalist George Mapp, Jr. has met and written about incarcerated arms dealer Viktor Bout, published an article on Dmitri Khalezov (then another one here). He writes extensively about CIA/DEA agent David Headley, organizer of the Mumbai terror attack, at his blog. Can he shed light on the amazing assertions of Dmitri Khalezov? Did Mossad legend Mike Harari really organize 9/11 and the Bali bombing - and even get arrested for the latter crime? Does Viktor Bout really "know too much about 9/11" and if so, what does he know? Who was Headley really working for when he set up the Mumbai terror attack? My head is spinning from all of this intel-insider info - can George Mapp Jr. make the spinning stop? Tune in and see!
Second hour: Vicious, nasty, no-holds-barred rumble - I mean debate - on the Wisconsin Revolution!
In this corner: Jim Fetzer, slandered 9/11 truth advocate, liberal and lifelong public employee who actually admits (shamefacedly) that he voted for Obama, has been joining the pro-labor insurgents every day at the Wisconsin state capitol. In the other corner, Wisconsin Libertarian party activist Rolf Lindgren, a friend of Gov. Scott Walker since high school, says Walker is right - state employees are spoiled brats! What do you think? Call in and throw a few punches: (402) 237-2525!Labels: 9/11, David headley, false-flag, George Mapp Jr., jim fetzer, mike harari, Mumbai, rolf lindgren, scholars for 9/11 truth, scott walker, Viktor Bout, wisconsin revolution