Tuesday, Feb. 22nd: Two shows with special guests Niels Harrit and Matthias Chang!
9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon - 1 pm Eastern) on http://NoLiesRadio.org, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast... Niels Harrit, lead author of the "loaded gun" nanothermite paper finding evidence of unexploded nanothermite chips in World Trade Center dust. Niels is currently touring Canada; tonight he will be speaking in Edmonton, Alberta! (Tour info here.)

7-8 p.m. Pacific (10 to 11 pm Eastern) on http://NoLiesRadio.org, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast... celebrated Malaysian political analyst Matthias Chang, author of Future FastForward and other books.
Matthias Chang is at the top of the list of people I've wanted to interview for years. His take-no-prisoners analysis of the New World Order, Zionism, US empire and related topics is an inspiration to all of us in the GAM (genuinely alternative media).Labels: 9/11 truth, controlled demolition, false-flag, future fastforward, inside job, Kevin Barrett, malaysia, matthias chang, nanothermite, new world order, Niels Harrit, zionism