Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 3/30/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
First hour: Dr. Kauk
ab Siddique, Professor of English and Journalism, Lincoln University; Editor-in-Chief, New Trend Magazine; Ameer, Jamaat al-Muslimeen. An academic freedom fighter, Kaukab Siddique (like me) had been hounded by members of his state legislature. Why? Dr. Siddique has had the courage to express opinions that, while demonized by the Zionist-dominated US media, are almost certainly those of a majority of people in the world -- and, in broad outline, the views of every Muslim intellectual with whom I have discussed these issues during the nearly twenty years since I came to Islam. Specifically, Dr. Siddique wants to end the Zionist occupation of Palestine, and doubts at least some of the details of the received narrative of the Nazi holocaust. (And of course, like anyone with a shred of common sense, he realizes that the Zionist claim that the GERMAN holocaust somehow justifies the genocidal takeover of PALESTINE is a big lie.)
By speaking frankly, Dr. Siddique has made himself a target of the yahoos and know-nothings who would prefer that the majority of the world's people keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves. May his example inspire the world's oppressed and silenced majority with the courage to speak out.
Second hour: Richard Gage, AIA, f
ounder, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Richard Gage was a successful full-time architect with expertise in steel-framed buildings, and a lifelong Republican and two-time Bush voter...until he took a closer look at the destruction of the three World Trade Center steel-frame high-rises, and was appalled by what he found. Since then, Richard has been on a hero's journey to awaken the world to the apparent scientific fraud perpetrated by the US government version of what happened to those buildings.
Richard Gage's Midwest tour begins this Sunday, April 3rd, in Ames, Iowa. I look forward to seeing him here in Madison, Wisconsin on April 6th and 7th. A full-page ad referencing the event, alongside a letter calling attention to my academic freedom struggle, will be published in the Isthmus (circulation about 60,000); the same information, along with dvds and brochures, will be physically mailed to over 2000 UW professors; and about 50,000 UW-Madison students will get the same information by email. Should be a great event!Labels: academic freedom, architects and engineers for 9/11 truth, controlled demolition, free speech, Islam, isthmus, kaukab siddique, madison, midwest, palestine, richard gage, tour, WTC-7, zionism