Mohamed el-Masry, Robert Rynearson on TJ radio today

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 4/30/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.

First hour: Mohamed Elmasry, Professor of Engineering, University of Waterloo; editor, The Canadian Charger; leader, Canadian Islamic Conference; frequent contributor, Toronto Globe and Mail. Dr. el-Masry appears in a recent Press TV report hosted by Friday's TJ Radio guest Joshua Blakeney (see below).

Second hour: Robert Rynearson, MD, author: Time to Listen. Dr. Rynearson is a highly-regarded psychiatrist who has crossed paths with MK Ultra CIA brainwashing experts, and developed a promising approach to psychotherapy called Profile Self-Confrontation (PSC).  Though I'm a psychotherapy skeptic - I've seen studies showing that "talk therapy" works just as well with untrained people as with trained professional counselors and psychiatrists - I think Dr. Rynearson is on to something with PSC, and with his excellent book Time to Listen.

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