Broadcast February 18th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on
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Daniel Estulin - don't call him "the Godfather of Bilderberg" ! |
Daniel Estulin's Desde la Sombra ("From the Shadows") on Russia Today was drawing seven million viewers per week, making it one of the most popular alternative TV shows in the world. But when Daniel did a show on how the Zionists/banksters are buying up Patagonia – the best undeveloped land in the world, and the safest place to be in the event of nuclear World War III or a planetary economic/ecological collapse – RT suddenly canceled his show and pulled the offending episode. Did the Zio-bankster elite lean on RT? Or did the Argentine government, anxious to hush up the secret land sales, tell RT to quash Estulin or lose its license to broadcast in Argentina?
In this interview we discuss the Bilderberg group and its relationship to the covert global power structure; the plusses and minuses of existing alternative media; the unfortunate fact that Putin and his anti-NWO allies do not have much influence on RT; the recent rash of false flags; and other hot topics.Labels: argentina, banksters, bilderberg, daniel estulin, desde la sombra, kirchner, nwo, patagonia, russia today