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The ultimate "third rail" topic |
Does holocaust revisionism need revising? That is the contention of today's guest, Matthew Howard, who says the world's most famous holocaust revisionist, David Irving – the antihero of last year's Hollywood propaganda film Denial – has erred in his recent suggestions that the holocaust happened pretty much the way the mainstream authorities say, except not at Auschwitz using cyanide gas, but at other Polish camps using diesel exhaust. (But is diesel exhaust even toxic?!)
Whatever killing methods the Nazis may have used, they sure didn't work on Chaim Ferster, who died a few days ago at the ripe old age of 94 after "surviving EIGHT Nazi death camps" according to Yahoo News.
Matt Howard wrote to David Irving asking him about some of the questions raised by the documentary film One Third of the Holocaust. Irving did not reply.
Has revisionist David Irving revised his views? Do his new views require further revising? Listen to Matthew Howard's contentions, study the issue for yourself, and make up your own mind.
Along with One Third of the Holocaust, those interested in the subject may wish to consult these sources:
International Military Tribunal for Germany (Yale Law School Archive)
Matthew Howard's first podcast on the holocaust
Thomas Dalton's book Debating the Holocaust
Anti-revisionism books Denying History and Denial
Kollerstrom vs. Myers debate: Should 9/11 truthers avoid holocaust revisionism? _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio
The Diesel Gas Chambers by Friedrich Berg
Labels: auschwitz, chaim ferster, David Irving, holocaust revisionism, matthew howard, treblinka