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White House advisor Barbara Honegger |
Barbara Honegger says the Jeff Sessions "lied to Congress" scandal may be the beginning of the end for the Trump Administration. It isn't that Barbara is unhappy that Trump's people may have colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton; in fact, she is actually glad Clinton lost. Nor are the Russians the bad guys — Barbara admits that it's the US and NATO, goaded on by the neocon-Zionist psychos, who are the main aggressors. But, she says, the law is the law, perjury is perjury, and subverting an election is illegal, even when done with good intentions.
Barbara Honegger is one of our best-qualified voices on this topic, having broken the October Surprise story detailing how a previous Republican campaign — the Reagan-Bush campaign in 1980 — colluded with elements of the Iranian government to throw the election their way.
Barbara suggests you check out these links:
"Trump owned by Russia" dossier compiled by former MI6 Russia chief Christopher Steele
Trump, Putin and the New Cold War
Barbara Honegger's recent presentation in Santa Cruz
NY Times on "combative populist Steve Bannon"
NY Times on "what does Steve Bannon want?"
Law review article on Gravel v. U.S. and its relevance to 9/11 Truth by the Mick Harrision, Director of Litigation for the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Truth
Barbara Honegger, MS is a retired Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the Department of Defense’s advanced science, technology and national security affairs university. She is a graduate of the Naval War College master’s program in National Security Decision Making (2001), and a former White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to President Ronald Reagan (1981 – 1983).
Labels: Barbara Honegger, deep state, donald trump, election integrity, jeff sessions, october surprise