Broadcast here July 5th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe...and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! 
This is the second half of my June 12th interview with Steve Romine. Listen to Part One HERE.
Woodstock, New York – famous for the 1969 rock festival – is also the home of Woodstock Truth Squad, hosted by Steve Romine, which broadcasts on Woodstock 104.1 Community Radio. In this interview Steve and Kevin discuss Kevin's background and history in the 9/11 truth movement; the history of false flags; Left Forum censorship; the demolition of the World Trade Center; the banking scam that rules the world; the secret history of Saudi-Wahhabi terrorism in service to the British, American and Israeli empires; and more.Labels: 911 truth, false flags, Kevin Barrett, left forum, steve romine, woodstock