Broadcast here August 16th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page - please consider subscribing!
First half hour: David Swanson — a notable author and activist from Charlottesville, Virginia — reports on the "Top 10 Misconceptions About Charlottesville." He makes a number of interesting points, such as:
"Tearing down statues is not opposing history. Charlottesville has three Confederate war statues, two (pro) genocide of the Native Americans statues, one World War I statue, one Vietnam War memorial, one statue of Thomas Jefferson (whose words and deeds, I’m sorry to say, agreed almost entirely with the latest racists), and one statue of Homer (poet of war). And that’s it. We have no memorials, whether monumental statuary or otherwise, to a single educator, artist, musician, athlete, author, or activist, nothing for Native American history, slavery, civil rights, women’s rights, or ANYTHING ELSE. Almost all of our history is missing."
I hope some day, after the world turns away from war, there will be a statue of David Swanson—one of America's most eloquent voices of peace—somewhere in Charlottesville.
Note: Toward the end of the interview, we discuss the possibility of Cointelpro/Gladio involvement in the events in Charlottesville, as posited in my article "Charlottesville False Flag Hoax?!"
James Hufferd |
Second half hour: Historian and 9/11 truth activist James Hufferd, Ph.D. discusses Charlottesville and much more, including his new article:
The Nature of the United States Government
Dear Reader, note that none of what follows would be true if the defenses in the Constitution and the Declaration were in force in spirit and letter. Should you find some part untrue, please say so, and celebrate that!
Dispassionate vs Engaged
To those who demand a more dispassionate account of such resonant human affairs, I say this: If I were reporting the parts per million of sulfur in water, or the order of finish in the third race at Belmont, then maybe. If I’m talking about the effects of the months-long horrific battle of Mosul on inhabitants of the city, then it’s not my style – unless you want a dry list of the number of limbs, organs, dreams, lives, and homes permanently stolen, including no interviews or on-the-ground impressions, the truth rendering even histrionics part of the objective story. The account I’m about to render, while still slower in its progression, carries all the same implications as that, on a worldwide scale, without exception.
The Nature of the Governance
First, it must be acknowledged that the U.S. government doesn’t normally attempt to ascertain and doesn’t respond rationally to verifiable facts, whatever those may be, in any instance. Matters with which it concerns itself are, in general, those it sees as vehicles to enhance itself or forward one of its multiple entwined agendas or those of a concerned agency, in some cases, a single official. A narrative is established and sold to the public or cognizant parties embodying the benefit perceived to said government itself, an agency, or involved official, at best only loosely representing verifiable facts, and word is passed down the ranks as necessary that that’s the line to adhere to, all claims to the contrary to be ignored or dismissed – never seriously entertained or rebutted. The same can be witnessed regarding the arbitrary U.S. “justice” system.
The U.S. government perceives or invents grievances against any leaders or countries it sees standing it the way of its global enhancement. Hence, it’s not an eagle, rather a “roaring lion looking for whom to devour”. It demonizes its prey to mobilize public support for its aggression, assigning or inventing principled motives for notorious violent attacks, normally against weaker “foes”, taunting and badgering fellow larger rivals at the scene. It abandons its treaties and solemn promises shamelessly, invariably charging opposites with having broken the pledge. This unvarying pattern of unmixed self-favoring dates to numerous cases practically from the beginning of our country, as cited by historian Helen Hunt Jackson in her 1881 treatise on the string of broken signed agreements of the U.S. government with native Americans well titled A Century of Dishonor.
A more recent accounting of the duplicitous, frequently fatal and tragic misdeeds of the U.S. government and sheltered business henchman in dealings with foreign entities beyond public scrutiny, is that of consultant and agent John Perkins‘s controversial, but redundantly confirmed in principle, 2004 book, Confessions Of An Economic Hitman, updated and expanded in 2016.
As the completely unhinged and malevolent (or not), demonized leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, can attest, relying on Washington’s word will get you dead. Attest: Saddam Hussein, once America’s man, Muammar Qaddafi, who caved to Washington’s terms, and Bashar al-Assad, who just might survive, thanks to Russia and Iran. Better to have nukes than a promise - just ask the NRA!
Who Is Being Represented?
Whose personal character does the notorious murderousness for gain, disregard for all others, fraudulent duplicity and larceny, and faithlessness of the U.S. government (all loudly self-proclaimed the opposite, but painfully recognized round the world) accurately reflect? Are the American people, by and large, like that? In the ancient Mediterranean world, it was widely told that “all Cretans are liars”. Can much the same thing be justly said of the run-of-the-mill citizenry of the U.S.? Hardly. Such astute foreign observers as Dr. Mujahid Kamran clearly draw a distinction, proclaiming most Americans good, honorable, decent people – while justly slamming the U.S. government for its true criminality.
This gaping distinction is, in fact, just one more indication that the American people really have no national government that represents them. The U.S. government, so designated, in truth represents as its constituency the big bankers, literally death-dealing military industrialists, numbing, pacifying, poisoning, and more than likely human trafficking – but now few productive – industries – reaching out to enslave the world, along with Zionists of whatever nationality, and multi-billionaire investors, regardless of nation. The affairs, concerns, and daily needs of ordinary mortals do not rise near the level of its or their notice, except regarding revenue and cannon fodder, and the source of human labor domestically, of dwindling note.
I’ve written of the motives of our hijackers, the controllers of the government, elsewhere. To the extent that we commoners still do matter at least a little, for the purposes listed, we are managed psychologically employing tailored input and psy-ops, sometimes spectacular like 9/11, sometimes as simple as an ad.
How Do The Internal Controls Work?
To try to maintain the illusion of “government by and for the people”, to prevent stoppage or rebellion, the two endowed political parties play somewhat separate roles these days. The Democrats, now the opposition, are there to block anything the surpassed constitutional “government” might conceivably do for the public – and to hound the insurgent (though now largely house-broke) rebel president. The Republicans perform a sort of stunned pantomime, with no one involved at the federal level sure what to do. (For instance, though these mostly sour-faced clowns have been clamoring for a chance to govern for 8 long years, and are billed as “legislators”, Senator Cornyn, one of their supposed leaders, complained a few days ago that “we’re supposed to come up with a tax plan by next week”. So it goes with the idle rich – and they are normally out of session!
Where Does Trump Fit In?
Although clearly elected to defy the controlling bribe masters and deliver control of both domestic and foreign policy to the actual broad citizenry, the controllers – most visibly, the war-profit-mad and literally blood-thirsty Neocons installed without public election in the alphabet agencies and commanding NGOs – have President Trump hogtied and stymied by means that remain murky.
There’s one definite major advantage Trump has managed to hand to those of us who favor an accountable, Constitutional re-takeover of government, though. In the throes of his struggles, he has forced the reality, identity, and odious nature of the all-too-real “deep state” into the open. And now that it’s become visible, perhaps this possessing demon can be dealt with and exorcised by millions of citizens in concert.
Now that we know, the final step is up to us.
Labels: Charlottesville, david swanson, false flag, james hufferd, peace activism, War is a Lie